Healing in a Hopeless World
ב״ה Friday, October 22, 2010 / 14 Cheshvan 5771 Healing in a Hopeless World Haphtorah Vayera Parsha Vayera is full of seemingly horrific stories: the promise of the birth of son, only to have to bring...
View ArticleRemembering Vendyl Jones
B”H Vendyl Jones passed away December 27, 2010. As I gathered pictures for his memorial, I thought of his life–how he blessed the world and me. I met Vendyl in 1990 when I attended the first Bnai Noah...
View ArticleAin od milvado ~ There is none beside Him!
ב״ה Ain od milvado There are four levels of the human soul: Yechidah (Unique essence), Chayah (Living essence), Neshamah (breath), Ruach (spirit), and Nefesh (soul). Of these, only the lower three come...
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